Director China
Phone number : +86 21 6235 1889
Email address: china@swisslearning.com
Wechat / Mobile: +86 186 2181 7871
A 2210 No. 319 XianXia Road
Far East International Plaza
Shanghai 200051 PRC
Swiss Learning China Office
Although China’s basic education can fully tap into the intellectual potential of students, due to limited conditions and resources, it does not achieve personalized well-rounded education, nor does it provide the safe, secure and natural environment that Swiss boarding schools and European communities are able to offer.
Close contact with the human and natural environment, outdoor teaching with the Alps as a backdrop, a truly international small class teaching system, and a network of friends for life – these key elements are what enable the primary and secondary school students who study in Switzerland to gain excellent knowledge, a global vision, humility, a network of contacts, a sense of social responsibility, and of course a once in a lifetime experience.